Keep It Shining: How to Take Care of Your Car Wrap in the Summer

A vinyl car wrap is an excellent way to keep your car spotless, attractive, and protected in the heat. And if you take good care of it, it will last you for years. On the contrary, if you’re not paying attention, you’ll wrinkle your car like you would your skin if not using sunscreen. 

Without further ado, let’s advise you on the action that you need to take asap if you want to keep your car vinyl wrap spotless and shining all summer long. 

Do a Careful Hand Wash

Whenever there’s grime or dirt on your vehicle, grab the sponge and a specialized vehicle soap, and wash off that thing carefully. Rinse and dry until everything is spotless. Don’t let dirt have any chance to eat away the vinyl. If you drive often (which we know you will), hand washing your vinyl wrap once per week should be enough.

Use Cold Water to Rinse the Car

If it’s scorching hot, which we know it will be when cruising by the coastline, it’s a good thing to give your vinyled car a nice cold shower. Again, this works excellently in preventing potential wrinkles and ripples of your wrap due as a result of the heat, and additionally, it removes dust and dirt from the vehicle. 

Park Away from The Sun

We get it, parking in the middle of the day in front of the beach sets the mood. However, as time passes, UV lights can cause some serious damage to the wrap, making it fade away, and not to mention increasing the core temperature of your car and engine. Don’t worry. A high-quality wrap will withstand the sun and keep the vehicle attractive even in the shadow, and in the night time. The point is to avoid any potential damage and fading of your car. Catch the shades or park in a garage, make things last. 

Opt for the Highest-Quality Wrap

This is more important than any rinse or shade. Nothing can withstand the summer as a high-quality and UV-resistant vinyl wrap applied by professionals experienced in the field.

If you’re living on the seaside of Florida in the heat of the summer and the looks and the protection of your vehicle matter to you, you’ll want your new car wrap to be applied by Certified Avery Dennison Wrap Installers such as ourselves. At 10-4 Wraps, we use state-of-the-art eco-friendly printing technology to achieve long-lasting UV resistant prints and vibrant colors

We can help you choose the right vinyl for your car and tell you how to care for it throughout the summer. As a special note, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you don’t have to come directly to us. We’ll pick up your vehicle for you! You stay at home, and stay safe!